Remembrance march - Hurstpierpoint College

CCF students take part in village remembrance service

Once again, our CCF cadets polished their boots to a high shine, put on their poppies and marched through Hurstpierpoint Village in memory of all those who fell in conflict. The event was even more poignant knowing that 197 of those were students and staff from the college. 

The cadets from all three services gave a fantastic account of themselves – they were well turned out, marched smartly and did their part to honour the memory of the fallen. The colour party of Colour Sergeant Fursdon, Cadet Campbell and Cadet Radford-Kirby escorted the Hurst CCF standard through the village to the chapel. Cadet White took over for Cadet Campbell as the standard was laid on the altar and later it was escorted back for the conclusion of the parade.

“All cadets were fantastic and seeing them take part in such an important day was truly an honour. Well done to all cadets and staff involved,” Sam Amos, CCF Contingent Commander.