175th Anniversary Reunion - Hurstpierpoint College

19 Oct 2024

14:00 - 22:30

Hurstpierpoint College

To celebrate the 175th anniversary of Hurstpierpoint College we will be holding a Reunion event for all OJs, former staff and parents.

Come along for the afternoon only or stay for the whole programme of events including dinner.

This is a wonderful opportunity to not only enjoy a dinner with friends in the Dining Hall, but take a tour of the College to see the many changes to the campus. If you have not seen the New Bury Theatre with Tim Manly’s portrait on show, the extensions to Woodard House or St John’s, or the refurbished altar in the Chapel – then this is for you!

Tickets for the dinner are £30, to include pre-dinner drink, 3 course dinner and wine.

Further details , including the programme of the day, can be found at foundation.hppc.co.uk

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